The Wake and the Future of Africa

The Wake and the Future of Africa

No matter how turbulent the wake from the ship, it can never determine the direction of the ship....

Dear young african the wake of our lifetime is the so well articulated history of the past struggles and the brutality of the erstwhile master, it has been revealed to us and it continues to be revealed from generation to generation.....

We can learn all the versions of past happenings yet the fact remains - it is the wake! Another fact is that the wake cannot be undone no matter how painful the past injustices may feel to us and our forbearers who actually experienced them, yet we can fully and consciously determine the direction of ship Africa going forward!

The natural endowment of mother Africa with treasures deep in her core and breathtaking sights is a gift to us which is in our hands to embrace and tap life as well as abundant  livelihood from if we will conjure enough strength to stop starring at the wake and allow zeal in us to burn and launch us into creative organised action.

Young african dare to dream, plan, prepare and pursue!! As children of mother africa we will achieve much for the motherland helping one another rather than trying to individually outshine one another in the quest for a first world standard of living as one person when fellow africans are still illiterate,hungry, malnourished and plagued by disease.

It would be wonderful for the young african to adopt the necessary paradigm shifts that will enable working together for the bigger picture, if a brother or sister is gifted  or successful in a specific way and you can help them reach the next level in that space happily do so and they also ought to happily  help another person reach the next level in another specific area. That shall surely see better people and better projects everyday, resultantly africa will rise together as a unit rather than as individuals.

If you rise and shine alone individual young african, yes you will get the recognition and most likely the awards and the wealth BUT because of the inequality created by your rise and the remaining behind of many fellow africans, evil or unfair thinking if you may will creep in and the system will want to redistribute the wealth that you would have so "worked hard for alone" by way of taxes and many other tools which would be fashioned for brothers and sisters who have left fellow kindred behind. Not good hey?!

Imagine if just ten young africans from one small community succeed in enterprise and other areas and make it really big having been supported along the way by fellow brothers and sisters, that community can never remain the same!!

Many a young person in africa has a viable real vision with potential for great things yet very few go past that stage of ideas and visions for lack of a support system for such because a brother or sister on his way up thinks they will be delayed on their journey to the top if they stop momentarily to
help that fellow who is trying to bring an idea and a vision to life.

Such becomes the story of a continent with so much potential because its inhabitants want to individually compete to prove a point and ignore the very issues that make them think they have to compete in the race out of the gutter and leave others there.....why not work together and destroy the gutter so that more and more people are able to achieve africa's potential?

 Let's think about these things brothers and sisters, we have seen the wake it is upon us to decide our direction!

The Golden Word fountain(TGWF)


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