A blindspot literally is an area where one's view is obstructed and figuratively it is an area where one lacks full understanding or impartiality. Whichever way one looks at it the essence of the blindspot is that our full and clear view is obstructed somehow making it a matter of concern.

A blindspot is like the proverbial Achilles heel, a point of weakness and vulnerability which may result in disaster if discovered and exploited by an opponent. The invincible Achilles son of Peleus and Thetis, hero of the Trojan war, though having killed the mighty hector was wounded on the heel and died after being  shot by Paris, his body had been made invulnerable by his mother who plunged him in the Styx in his infancy except for the heel by which she had held him. The Styx is a river in the underworld of Greek mythology.

The lesson is not about the Greek mythology underworld things but just to draw a good  example of the effect
and significance of blindspots.

Depending on who discovers and points out our blindspots, we either have a chance of being helped by these people as agents of eliminating the blindspots by shedding light on the part which is
dark to our eyes if they are on our side or face a destructive and detrimental force working against us if it's discovered by an opponent.

When the blindspots are highlighted by one working with us and loyal to us, it comes forward as constructive criticism which may be difficult to accept because as people we generally get defensive in the face of all criticism constructive and otherwise. It is when we mature and grow that we embrace and learn the value of constructive criticism.

The very process of having our blindspots exposed to us is a process of enlightenment and growth, we brave hearing cold hard truths about ourselves. This more often than not is an ego bruising process, it is hard to go through it without defending ourselves or taking offence. However it is a blessing in disguise if we have someone or people who care enough to pull us out of harm's way by genuinely pointing out our blindspots out of goodwill and belief in our goodness. This is from those on our side who gather with us and build with us we call them allies.

The opposite is the group which intentionally  scatters what we gather out of malice and attempts to eliminate us when they view us as competition going after the same prize. It is a small time mentality of weak minded people yet it can be shockingly prevalent in this world that we live in.

When our blindspots are picked up by an opponent they will stop at nothing to capitalise and exploit them
to our detriment. It becomes tragic when the opponent picks it up whilst we are still oblivious of them because we can easily be obliterated owing to a manageable weakness had it been revealed to us by a caring person or people.

In this competitive cut-throat world strong diverse networks matter and so does building trust and camaraderie.

Nobody is absolutely perfect at anything without the help of external parties or circumstances. Even the best of the best, athletes always make good examples for these matters of principle because the example is seen directly and clearly, even Usain Bolt, Mr. Speed himself has a trainer and people whose brief includes identifying his blindspots with the purpose of reducing them and hopefully eliminating them eventually.

The new darling of Chelsea FC fans N'golo Kante displays what many a sports journalist calls "individual brilliance" well the individuality of it
is given within context and qualified because as Mr. Speed above he depends on his coach and technical support team among other people that make up his support structure.

The coach watches him play both at training and on match day observing and documenting his mistakes and blindspots which must be managed and eliminated lest they be picked up by his opponents who would use ruthlessly against him and his team.

For prizes and honours opponents will pull out all the stops going to battle against opponents. Some unethical opponents will go as far as spying on the opposition in order to discover the blindspots to capitalise upon. This is applicable in all spheres of life including but not limited to the professional and social spheres.

Ever seen lawyers prepare for court cases? They not only prepare their solid case based on merits and facts but they also consider who the opposing counsel is, they try and get into each other's heads ahead of the court date. Knowing the opponent's inclination of thinking and their blindspots helps them prepare better for battle which becomes a showdown of legal prowess and knowledge of the law.

One gets even better prepared by having one's own blindspots exposed by one's team so that one knows what the opponent might use against them and does their best to eliminate or manage them for minimal damage if they are hard to totally eliminate.

It is a world of continuous tussle between good and evil. The latter always plays dirty and has no respect or moral compass whilst the former seeks that which is upright and above board always. However it does not mean good is foolish to let evil ride roughshod over it.

Jesus puts it aptly to the disciples when hey says in
Matthew 10:16 KJV
[16] Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.

We all have our blindspots some of which we are unaware of which need another person to point out for our benefit rather than detriment lest we get hung out to try by uncaring wolves and proponents of negativity in this world.

There is such a thing as constructive criticism, who is pointing out your blindspots today? Which side are they on? Are you helping those you care about realise theirs?



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