Beyond The Obvious - Experiences Against Odds

There is always more than meets the eye in the experiences of life, there are always deeper underlying meanings and lessons beyond the obvious in the moments that make up our lives.

The best and most crucial time to be aware of the above notion is during challenging times of difficulty and distress when we are presented with situations which appear to be larger than all of our life and certain to overwhelm us. Such feeling comes based on the obvious facts in front of us which are usually referred to as "the odds".
When the odds appear against us we have a strong inclination to cringe and shrink in their face and resign to their seeming unstoppable power.
However, beyond the obvious facts and the odds lies great and limitless power, the  wherewithal to see beyond the obvious and tap into this power and rise above the seemingly insurmountable challenges and situations.
This power resides inside each and everyone of us and is unleashed when we withstand the scare tactics of difficult circumstances which threaten to overwhelm us and render us helpless. When we dig deeper and raise our faith and belief that we are able to overcome that which threatens to overwhelm us. We realise and grasp the fact that no situation is permanent or unchanging in this life no matter how bad it is or how bad it gets. Time happens to all situations and when time happens to them situations change.
That resolve in us gives us strength, zeal and hope to live through every experience no matter its severity and threat.
Looking beyond the obvious is a disposition we adopt, practise, nurture and improve with time. It is like an athlete training with determination and focus polishing the skill of that discipline and getting better each time they exercise.
We too like athletes can learn to look beyond the obvious in our experiences and difficulties digging deeper exercising our self belief assuring ourselves that we have the wherewithal to outlast those very moments and ordeals that dog and threaten us from time to time.
The odds maybe against us so many times but they are no guarantees to our failure to overcome. We can rise above and against all odds by looking inwards conjuring up our faith and defying them to realise new victories and confirming that victory is possible no matter what the odds are saying about our ability to overcome.

To borrow from football, a good analogy and a very interesting one is that of English Premiership side Leicester City, the odds were 5000:1 against them to lift the championship but they did it anyway! Where were the odds when they won? behind them!
Dear reader do you still believe in being restricted by the odds against you to have your victory?
Beyond the obvious is where the real deal is, venture beyond the obvious look beyond what meets the eye to determine your limits and discover a greater, stronger and victorious you!
You surely don't come out smelling roses and you surely will bear scars for going through the experience but the beauty of it is living to tell the tale and you being the hero and victor in the tale.



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