
Showing posts from March, 2016

Encounters and Takeaways

Encounters and Takeaways Encounter! An unforeseen convergence! An unexpected coming together, for the individual parties involved it would indeed be unexpected, however the takeaway from an encounter and its effects always indicate an intention and reason for the encounter by a higher power...the God or spiritual supernatural factor. Moses encountered God in the burning bush....did he expect it? absolutely not! did God expected it? Yea! absolutely!! The takeaway from that encounter would change Moses' life forever...he asked for God's name.....[14] And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you. Exodus 3:14 KJV So Moses learnt this and many other things frm this one particular encounter, infact he was given a new direction to follow in his life. What's the point?, one may ask..we all have hand an encounter one time or another sometimes pleasant and in other instances terrible. An encoun

Seize the day! - Carpe diem!

Seize the day! - Carpe diem! A brand new day, a clean new slate. Seize it! It's your gift from the Creator, rise with the sun and shine as it shines. Seize it, the rest of your life begins today it begins  now, yesterday's gone and tomorrow's not promised This very moment is what you have for you are right in the moment. Put your best foot forward today fret not about errors of yesterday acknowledge them as lessons and do efficiently what is set for this day. Don't stare forever  at that dream or that project you've been yearning and burning to take on for fear of "what if?" It's like staring down a bottomless pit intending to see the bottom! aint gonna happen! Seize the day seize the moment! It's okay crawl if you may, you'll gather strength to stand and take baby steps, take them and you'll learn to walk, walk and you'll soon be able to run and jump keep going and you'll reach the edge of this level of living when you a


Holiday DUI, Everyday DUI Excitement & Fun always synonymous with the holiday spirit! So is the liquor abuse on the road, DUI, the common scourge so common that it has lost the gravity of a scourge. People perish on the roads due to negligence and human error due to DUI. Fellow drivers and passengers let us grasp that there is no need to experience a DUI accident first hand you might not live to tell the tale or If you do, the horrific memory of that incident remains with you for life. You may have sentenced one or more people to violent deaths and incapacitation due to lost limbs....yes ponder that dear driver. Friends of the driver shore up the courage, don't please the driver by letting them take liquor on the road, you are putting your life in danger and that of other road users you do not know. Your decision to restrain the drinking driver and take them off the wheel may save a family of their sole breadwinner, a child of their single parent mother. DUI is individu

Appreciate Water! Appreciate life - World Water Day

Water, life giving water! World Water Day - March 22 2016 πŸšΏπŸŒ§πŸ’§πŸ’¦H2OπŸšΏπŸŒ§πŸ’§πŸ’¦H2O A grand gulp of cool water on a very hot day who can forget? The feeling of freshness after a good bath or shower who can resist? The sight of lush green well watered fields and plantations who can forget? On this occasion of World Water day, we consciously appreciate water and it vitality to our existence. πŸšΏπŸŒ§πŸ’§πŸ’¦H2OπŸšΏπŸŒ§πŸ’§πŸ’¦H2O Water precious water! Vital for all known life forms vital for all existence. Chief among the elements wind, fire, earth, water is life! Appreciate water and appreciate life! As much as it is abundant it is found scarce in many a place on earth. Appreciate water, appreciate life. It is said that 71% of mother earth's surface is covered by water, 96.5%  of her crust's water is in the seas and oceans, 1.7% is underground another 1.7% makes up the glaciers and ice caps of Antarctica and Greenland. A small fraction in other large water bodies and a yet smaller fractio

Stronger than Steroids!

Stronger than steroids! Pure athletic brilliance who can resist? Driven by the powerful focused mind, it's stronger than steroids. Across disciplines from turfs to tracks, from rings to courts, yes even airborne action,  sport brings people together to witness talent unleashed and beauty displayed Since time immemorial warriors and heroic displays were entertainment for the masses people applying themselves to bring out the best of their talents, skills and abilities. Sport rose to commercial levels athletes earn a living and soms become super rich, an honour and worthy recognition of the effort applied and time spent by people perfecting their craft and honing their skills. Competition and the uncontrolled desire to perform above and beyond one's peers in order to earn the mega bucks has brought with it an ugly phenomenon called doping! This animal born from the age old vice called greed comes about and taints our beloved sports and steals all the fun and mesmerising eff

Progress & Inertia, So many questions?????

Progress & inertia, So many Questions????? Progress, the onward movement, development into and transition to a better or more advanced and improved condition. Inertia, the tendency to do nothing or remain unchanged one could say it's laziness or even resistance to change. Progress versus inertia, many a time progress is registered in the face of serious inertia and circumstancial resistance be it individual, communal and global progress. Just how much progress is worth noting or even celebrating? I say all progress! Small victories add up and lead to great victories. Many times people quit and give up on their projects due to small or little progress in their endeavors. what they miss is that even though small, little progress is  much much better than inertia and day! The effort of baby steps adds up to great strides and leaps to great heights once only imagined. So the oil rich Nigeria moots setting up a  pencil manufacturing plant? Yes the wood, graphite and rubbe

They can't read!

They Can't Read! In 2016 Five hundred million, half of a billion! Huge number by any standard be it money or any other numerable unit. Just what am I talking about? Women and girls in the world who in this day and age cannot read! Really?? Such is the reality of our society, on this occassion of International Women's day I'm drawn to this horrendous statistic which exposes the situation obtaining right in the middle of a fast evolving digital hi-tech hi-perfomance  and hi - everything world. Humanity has really made huge strides in advancement and unbelievable new cutting edge stuff is churned out everyday. Have we really achieved? looking at this scary figure of people, women,mothers daughters, and sisters who can neither read nor write? If the statistics can be drawn it means these women and girls are amongst us right in our midst. No excuses fellow people Globalisation has taken new technologies to the remotest parts of the planet by one core dimension; willpower! Wi

The Wake and the Future of Africa

The Wake and the Future of Africa No matter how turbulent the wake from the ship, it can never determine the direction of the ship.... Dear young african the wake of our lifetime is the so well articulated history of the past struggles and the brutality of the erstwhile master, it has been revealed to us and it continues to be revealed from generation to generation..... We can learn all the versions of past happenings yet the fact remains - it is the wake! Another fact is that the wake cannot be undone no matter how painful the past injustices may feel to us and our forbearers who actually experienced them, yet we can fully and consciously determine the direction of ship Africa going forward! The natural endowment of mother Africa with treasures deep in her core and breathtaking sights is a gift to us which is in our hands to embrace and tap life as well as abundant  livelihood from if we will conjure enough strength to stop starring at the wake and allow zeal in us to burn and