Holiday DUI, Everyday DUI

Excitement & Fun always synonymous with the holiday spirit!
So is the liquor abuse on the road, DUI, the common scourge so common that it has lost the gravity of a scourge.

People perish on the roads due to negligence and human error due to DUI.
Fellow drivers and passengers let us grasp that there is no need to experience a DUI accident first hand you might not live to tell the tale or If you do, the horrific memory of that incident remains with you for life. You may have sentenced one or more people to violent deaths and incapacitation due to lost limbs....yes ponder that dear driver.
Friends of the driver shore up the courage, don't please the driver by letting them take liquor on the road, you are putting your life in danger and that of other road users you do not know. Your decision to restrain the drinking driver and take them off the wheel may save a family of their sole breadwinner, a child of their single parent mother.
DUI is individual and group failure before it becomes a crime at law. You still get to pay the price whether or not you are caught on the road when that crash happens when you lose control when you misjudge the distances and crash to your death or crash other people to their death a violent and horrific death.
The roads are packed with holiday makers trekking to their destinations of choice, some to see their families after being away for a long time yet DUI foils these plans and robs the families of the much anticipated reunions.
Delay the gratification on the road be sober and reach your destination then celebrate all you want as much as you want in the safety, comfort and company of your loved ones.
In the club and party scene young people hop around drunk and feeling cool until the dreaded DUI fatality greets them. It doesn't happen everyday so getting away with it even a hundred times does not make it right. It takes one incidence just one incidence and you're done for. Be responsible, get a cab or someone in your circle who does not drink to take care of the wheel in your party spirit. Value your life, yes YOLO but how do you want to go out and be remembered? "They died drunk on the road having crashed  into a family on their way home to celebrate the same holiday they recklessly wasted. The whole family perished because the young driver was over the speed limit"
Such could be the story in the newspaper, the morning after a fateful fun night.

One carries condoms to a party night and binges on the booze driving to the party, where is the wisdom? One gets the children to buckle up on the road trip and puts a liquor bottle in the cup holder on the cockpit, where is the wisdom?
Who are we fooling?

DUI is a cancer! DUI is uncool! DUI can be a avoided! DUI needs no place in our progressive societies.

Dignitaries have been lost, talented sport personalities, celebrities, fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters and fellow citizens the world over have gone out DUI! It's a double tragedy, first Driving Under the Influence then Dying Under the Influence  of liquor.
Don't drink and drive, it thrills but like speed, it can and it does kill!! Numbers don't lie the statistics are there. Heed the calls and save lives.



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