Progress & Inertia, So many questions?????

Progress & inertia, So many Questions?????

Progress, the onward movement, development into and transition to a better or more advanced and improved condition.

Inertia, the tendency to do nothing or remain unchanged one could say it's laziness or even resistance to change.

Progress versus inertia, many a time progress is registered in the face of serious inertia and circumstancial resistance be it individual, communal and global progress.
Just how much progress is worth noting or even celebrating? I say all progress! Small victories add up and lead to great victories.

Many times people quit and give up on their projects due to small or little progress in their endeavors. what they miss is that even though small, little progress is  much much better than inertia and day! The effort of baby steps adds up to great strides and leaps to great heights once only imagined.

So the oil rich Nigeria moots setting up a  pencil manufacturing plant? Yes the wood, graphite and rubber stick we all learn to draw and write with in kindergarten, in this day and age really? Is it progress or laziness to think of bigger and better endeavors at national level? I say it's progress, whether its small progress or a giant leap time will show us dear reader. Has Nigeria ever set up a plant and produced completely their own wooden pencils? No! Do they have abundant raw materials to do so all locally available? Yes! Do their schools and many poor african rural  schools need the good old wood and graphite writing and drawing stick to gain literacy and numeracy? Yes! The professionals call it a market and it is there!

Does Nigeria want to remain totally dependant on the petroleum industry? I don't think so.
Do they need to develop entrepreneurs, SMEs and other industries to boost and diversify their economy? Yes! How many ideas and projects are necessary to achieve this? I say as many as can be thought of.
In the era of self driving cars and unmanned aircraft, does manufacturing your own wooden writing sticks count as progress? Yes!
T.I.A!! This is Africa!
Is it a major technological revolution? Maybe not, but we still see pencils in the stationery shops locally and abroad.
So in the event of the idea successfuly bearing fruit and delivering pencils galore, someone will deserve a Bell's!

So many questions???? Progress is progress! One step at a time, one day at a time. Many will recall the fable of the rabbit and the tortoise racing, who won?
In the end the tortoise said...steady wins the race.

Food for thought: Never break off a bent reed or put out a flickering flame...little progress is progress..

The Golden Word Fountain (TGWF)


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