Encounters and Takeaways

Encounters and Takeaways

Encounter! An unforeseen convergence! An unexpected coming together, for the individual parties involved it would indeed be unexpected, however the takeaway from an encounter and its effects always indicate an intention and reason for the encounter by a higher power...the God or spiritual supernatural factor. Moses encountered God in the burning bush....did he expect it? absolutely not! did God expected it? Yea! absolutely!!
The takeaway from that encounter would change Moses' life forever...he asked for God's name.....[14] And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.
Exodus 3:14 KJV
So Moses learnt this and many other things frm this one particular encounter, infact he was given a new direction to follow in his life.
What's the point?, one may ask..we all have hand an encounter one time or another sometimes pleasant and in other instances terrible. An encounter never leaves you feeling the same it's different from bumping into someone one and just greeting. Never miss the takeaway frm your encounter i.e. the lesson and message to be found there.

One saturday morning as I was walking in town and felt the urge to take particular turns whilst making my way and I saw just a short distance from me a brother of mine who is a Pastor, an encounter! we shared about family and life then he invited me to see their new church location. so great was our meeting that afterwards we prayed and and I left the place blessed and encouraged as well as motivated to pursue a passion that I have.....to inspire and touch people's hearts and minds through words. ....that's why you're reading this small article!

The truth is encounters differ in their construction/ make up and
magnitude but their effect and intention is the same - for one or both parties to takeaway something from there be it a lesson or an answer to a long held question or situation.

One may ask, how do I tell apart  an encounter from just another meeting, the answer - your heart, your mind and your inner person will feel the effect even long after parting ways with that person or from that sutiation.

Saul had an encounter with the Lord on his way to persecute the believers in Damascus,it was unexpected by him
yet God was executing His plan in that situation, again the takeaway for Saul was completely life transforming, he'd left his home as "the hunter" of the Christians and would arrive there as "the hunted" Saul was so transformed even his name was changed to Paul the great apostle we know today whose writings and teachings we encounter everyday in the holy scriptures.
Amazing things happen on encounters!
So much Biblical examples hey? Yes because the Bible is ever relevant to daily living,
old as it is, it's truths are always new.

Dear reader you too can be alive to your encounters and look out for the takeaways irregardless of whether they present themselves as negative ordeals or pleasant surprises. There is always a takeaway!



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