Based on verifiable empirical evidence and algorithmic success of bookies in giving probabilities and expected outcomes it is overwhelmingly convincing to take the odds as they are given.

However there is  a different form of bet, a bet so dynamic it can defy the odds anytime and give unexpected results -  the bet on oneself.

Betting on the self is a very challenging and daring yet worthwhile move in situations that we come across as people. Nobody
is able to say with finality when an individual will break or give in even under extreme circumstances as long as there is life and breath in that individual with a sound mind. One may ask how come? or why? This is because every enlightened individual understands the inherent power to make a call or decide for oneself what to do or how to react in the face of externally induced or created circumstances no matter how good or bad they are.

So when one's mind is made up to take a bet on oneself, that inherent power to decide independently and determine one's reaction to environmental developments especially negative ones shows up with a greater dynamic force which bookies can neither put a finger on nor influence, let alone control.

Daring oneself and taking up tough challenges in the face of rough circumstances whether natural
or man made means one has a chance to build self confidence, set
precedence and self actualise.

Sometimes one is dared by another
to prove a point or to take on a visibly mammoth task and find a solution to it because of one's reputation e.g. turning around a business on the brink of bankruptcy or collapse.

In such circumstances as given above, the bookies are everywhere ready to give projections and expected final results  based on
their meticulously gathered evidence and statistics but they can only get as close to predicting the outcome as the past evidence shows them.

However when one is the subject of such scrutiny and analyses fully aware of the judgement being meted out, one can consciously decide to break
the statistical patterns through behavioural change and leave the bookies confounded by completely unexpected yet proven results against all odds.

Betting on self happens a lot of times from day to day even though some may not realise this e.g. in job applications and interviews, one presents themselves as competent and able to deliver on the given mandate hence by signing that contract one is literally betting on self. Just the awareness of this fact puts one in a position to take on the odds with one's head in the right frame of thinking bracing for the turnout of events such that the focus is not lost and the mandate is delivered fully no matter the distractions, frustrations and disturbances confronting one in the process.

A line by William Ernest Henley in the poem "Invictus" says "I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul" expresses the power of unshakable faith,independent thought and conviction in one's mission.

Betting on the self means fully grasping how high the stakes are and positioning oneself accordingly with the ultimate goal clearly defined and envisaged in that situation understanding that the odds will be defined and outlined free of charge by the analysts and bookies with vested interest in the turnout of events and final outcomes.

An individual who understands the point being put across in this discussion can say to  themselves with conviction; "I will win definitely when all is said and done because I am giving it all that I have and I draw all that I have from an infinite indestructible source, in the worst case I would breathe my last fighting to apprehend in which case I would go to the ages with the honour of pressing right to the end and my epitaph will read "here lie the remains of a legend"

As this piece is being written, a certain country has a president elect whom the bookies and odds openly described as a joke when he announced his intention to run for the presidency, this is not about liking or disliking the man on the writer's part but showing the power of self awareness, belief in one self, intrinsic drive, determination and unwavering focus on the ultimate prize even in a tumultuous storm of naysaying and doomsaying.

In light of whom this president elect was up against right from the start it would appear very sensible  and logical to take the bookies and pollsters on their word about the man's chances yet they often turned out to have a blindspot which the president elect seemed to exploit? or did they? The man took a bet on himself and the odds were given to him freely by those who analysed to the point of putting emotion in it, the man who took a bet on himself was totally independent  to change his behaviour, not only saying but doing the unexpected at unexpected moments, his reactions to situations were his choice and they would be just as unpredictable. It is a fact; no one can measure or determine when or how another person will change their mind.

There is power in self belief and self determination, if we can bet on other people and other things even using money on platforms betting for sport with conviction surely we are able to bet on ourselves and push ourselves to realise personal and fulfilling victories and successes as our faith sustains and allows us.



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