Africa - The Story

The Story of Africa

The Story of Africa must be told by Africans
The future of africa must be written by africans, bit by bit here and there we are gradually seeing more africans rise to the stage and stepping up in writing the future of africa.
Industrialisation of Africa is key and based on primary sectors of agriculture and resource exploration right through to the beneficiation and value addition to these resources.
Africa has gaps in food production and processing, sustainable energy
development and the resources sector has long ways to go in alignment and extraction of maximum value from them.
The brain and skill sets would come from Africa's sons and daughters deliberately and directly placed in incubatory  and  preparatory programs to meet the obvious need for technology transfer  and expertise transfer in the event of establishment of value addition and beneficiation facilities.
A buzz word called STEM Education meaning Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics is an example of deliberate positioning and preparation of our sons and daughters to meet the demand for expertise and the requisite skill sets when industrialisation kicks up a gear and becomes a focal point for our nations. It is a collective societal drive which neither governments nor private capital can fully execute alone, hence the need for collaboration in the Public Private Partnership (PPP) format. It is in the interest of Africa it is in the interest of all of us to move our nations forward with such big pushes. Small steps forward that move an entire population are better than giant strides of individuals.
There is room for everyone of africa's children to participate and contribute. The services industry vast and wide as it is will need to be set in the resultant robust economies drawing another part of the population to be taught and prepared deliberately just like the STEM children, they are all important and vital elements in the whole system hence the need to instill the ideas in good light to be embraced by our children.

The story of Africa shall be a story of overcoming and collective victories, more than individual countries and states. Exchange of ideas and exploitation of comparative advantages being reinforced to realise efficient industrialisation objectives.
So a young South African gets the Golden Key Society top hotel concierge award, the best in the World! Kudos to Masood Sadulla.
Mike Fokorani of Zimbabwe wins the gruelling  Old Mutual Two Oceans ultra Marathon with fellow country man coming second, kudos brothers!
Africa's first Solar powered airport is in South Africa, Ford Motor Company expands to produce their Everest and Ranger models again in South Africa, it is Africa growing, the motherland developing, progress being made. The power of collaboration and combined efforts for mutual gain and benefit between societies and economies.

Whether its zero to one  inventions or "one to n" innovation progress and improvement is realised. The story of Africa is written.

Introspection is necessary for the solution of failed policies and models to develop new and efficient models. Countries rich in resources find themselves devoid of the benefits of the very resources they possess, how so?
Oil rich nations have winding queues for fuel, shortages everywhere, countries producing precious valuable gems have communities reeling in poverty and lack, how so Africa? Countries with vast tracks of fertile arable land import their own staple food even in seasons of good rainfall and favourable climate, how so how so brothers and sisters? Introspect Africa Introspect, the answers are within us, no finger pointing but problem solving and troubleshooting we need, an outsider may suggest or give opinions but the onus is on us, to chart the way forward and execute.

To write the story of Africa is to acknowledge our past errors and learn from them making better and bolder decisions to reach a better state of affairs.

Keep rising Africa, stay the course, challenges will always be there concerted effort and our unwavering focus will overcome them all. Nurturing the gifts and talents of all the sons and daughters of Africa developing them to full potential and using them will surely lift the standards and keep them rising.

The story of Africa is for all Africans to tell and write wherever they may be. Rise oh Africa!



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