Seize the Day! - Carpe Diem

Seize the day! - Carpe diem!

A brand new day, a clean new slate.
Seize it! It's your gift from the Creator, rise with the sun and shine as it shines.

Seize it, the rest of your life begins today it begins  now, yesterday's gone and tomorrow's not promised
This very moment is what you have for you are right in the moment.

Put your best foot forward today fret not about errors of yesterday acknowledge them as lessons and do efficiently what is set for this day.
Don't stare forever  at that dream or that project you've been yearning and burning to take on for fear of "what if?" It's like staring down a bottomless pit intending to see the bottom! aint gonna happen! Seize the day seize the moment!

It's okay crawl if you may, you'll gather strength to stand and take baby steps, take them and you'll learn to walk, walk and you'll soon be able to run and jump keep going and you'll reach the edge of this level of living when you are  there you'll be strong and you'll fly! Seize the day! Seize the moment!

No matter how far you've gone down wrong path you can always wake up and change direction! Just like that? yes! Seize the moment give the world the best version of you with all your gifts in full blossom the world would be a much brighter place. Carpe diem!

Seize the day! One day, the day will seize you! you will belong to the ages and your journey on this place will be over. What will you be remembered for? Will your memory linger for a little while and fade away like the morning mist? Or your name will be  echoed and spoken about for generations to come? Seize the day make somebody smile, lend a helping hand,be a shoulder to cry on, give a listening ear, encourage someone, compliment someone, thank someone, apologise sincerely to someone if you did them wrong, forgive someone, it can all be done today! Seize the day and do it!

When your life is over let them say Here lies a legend, a legend of this time, here lies a person who made a difference everywhere and everytime!

What do you want to achieve? What do you have to do to achieve it? What are you waiting for? Seize the day!

Unleash your potential, run with your vision! go after your dream little by little step by step and pay the price, take no shortcuts the whole journey is worth your while. Enjoy the journey through the highs and the lows they're all at your service. Before you know it your dream will be realised! Your success speaking for itself.
Seize the day and start small don't stare and don't stall just Start!

What you desire, desires you! Carpe diem!




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