Every worthy achievement, I mean worthy by any standard, comes at a cost in one form or another, the cost may be so high that it literally becomes sacrifice.

It is natural for us to wince and tighten up at the mere mention of the word "sacrifice" because sacrifice is never easy, it takes us out of our comfort zone. Sacrifice discards convenience, it cuts away all the frills
and leaves necessity with clear demands and requisites for the realisation of particular ends. Sacrifice is in the means to achieving specific ends, desired results are always glorious when achieved and show no sign of sacrifice at face value.

For the reason that positive results are glorious, often coming with pomp and fanfare it becomes hard to convince onlookers that the same glorious and celebrated victories are the result of untold sacrifice and austerity of one kind or another.

However the truth and facts about achievement need to be told and laid bare for the enlightenment of those looking to realise their goals and dreams.

One ought to  step out of their comfort zone  fully aware that specific actions need to be taken to achieve set objectives. It is these specific actions that make many a person shrink and crawl into their shells for fear of experiencing discomfort.

However if one is truly passionate about his or her one thing then sacrifice becomes the acceptable means necessary to reaching specific and particular ends.

A good illustration of this is the iceberg illusion, it portrays success as an iceberg of which only the top part above the water is visible to people yet there is a significant part of it hidden underwater. What people see on the surface are the bells and whistles, the confetti and fireworks, at the back of all that would have been blood, sweat and tears in preparation for the big moment of victory.

Persistence, hard work and perseverance all characterise sacrifice in the quest for certain success and achievement of that one thing which varies from person to person. Gone are the days when success was stereotyped and defined by status symbols now more and more people are enlightened hence the understanding that each person has or can have their own one thing they want out of life for fulfillment and actualisation which may not rank highly at all to the next person.

So your one thing is important to you and so is mine to me, the one thing evokes deep emotions at the mere mention of it let alone its sight if its a physical object.

Everybody deserves a chance to take aim and achieve their one thing yet a good number of people shrink at the prospect of rolling up one's sleeves and getting on to some serious and focused hard work in the direction of that goal and not just a dream because it would have been broken down to actionable tasks.

The question therefore is how far are we willing to go as individuals or collectively giving of ourselves to achieve that one thing? Are we willing and ready to put in the work required of us? Are we ready to make the necessary sacrifices, to delay instant gratification for the longterm and more solid achievement? The answers to these questions determine whether or not we would be able lay hold of that one thing.

We must hasten to keep our drive and desire to achieve in check lest it goes overboard and becomes unhealthy and toxic. In all our sacrificing and hard work there is still need to be responsible and accountable citizens for our actions.

I remember at primary school a question that came out in every general paper examination or what was called Content at the time under the Religious and Moral Education section popularly known as R.M.E, the question was " Give to Caesar what is Caesar's.." means? It was often a multiple choice question and we learnt that verbatim the correct answer was; "WE SHOULD BE GOOD LOYAL CITIZENS AND PAY OUR TAXES"
At that time as a little kid I had not even known that it was a scripture partially quoted where Jesus Christ was responding to some devious Pharisees and Herodians trying to back him into a corner but I just liked the way the answer sounded and made so much sense to my little mind.

The scripture is; Mark 12:17 KJV
[17] And Jesus answering said unto them, Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's. And they marvelled at him.

Ill will and ill placed desire may create similar emotions and drive to acquire certain things at any and at all costs without regard to the consequences and environmental effects, negative externalities from our actions in the course of achievement are undesirable effects which taint our supposed success and create tragedy on the flip side.

If one person gets their one thing at the expense of the world becoming a worse off place as a result then that person has not been successful as a responsible citizen. It becomes contradictory and gives vibes of insincerity and arrogance of which both are capital vices one can exhibit among humanity.

Success implies growth and development, a rise in levels and standards simultaneously for the individual and the community. It is losing oneself to the cause in which one believes and deems worthy of their time and effort.

True, sincere action and sacrifice pays off in the end after the work has been put in with precision of concerted effort. Thinking of that one thing is not enough, thinking without action yields nothing it is wishful thinking akin to doing the same thing over and over and expecting to get different results, some go as far as calling it insanity.

So as  responsible citizens who deserve a fair chance to realise our dreams, we ask ourselves again how far are we willing to go and how much are willing to give for that one thing?



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