Rejection never feels good in any form be it professionally or in other interactions we have with other people as individuals. However the indisputable truth about it is that it is simply negative feedback.
One's best effort to achieve a favorable response in an engagement is never guaranteed to result in the desired outcome due to reasons beyond one's control. The other party's reasons do not necessarily mean one's effort is void of merit and substance, simply that it is  inconsistent with their expectations. The most common forms of rejection in business and professional settings include declined applications for admission, unsuccessful job interviews and business proposals turned down, such occurrences often leave us hurting, disappointed and even bitter sometimes because they deal a blow to our emotions. However the lesson here and good stance to adopt  is that rejection is not eternal condemnation from the other party,  they hold no such authority over you, they can simply give feedback, evaluating the feedback and deciding our next move is entirely in our control, we must never feel helpless because a prospect has rejected our best pitch. Evaluate the feedback, look at it as valuable to you and use it to assess the pitch in retrospect, take away the emotional cloudiness around it and do an honest assessment. Did the prospect mention any specific reasons for your rejection? Is it something you are willing and able to change as far as your whole presentation is concerned? If it is then get working right away and prepare an even better pitch with improvements inspired and informed by that very negative feedback which could have hurt, disappointed and made you bitter all over. Be ready to approach your prospect again with renewed freshness and deliver an even more polished presentation, this time around you're lucky to have been in their mind and extracted that feedback which gave you insight to the right angles of pitching unlike the first time where some of your premises would have been based on assumption and second hand information. That same prospect could be blown over and be left singing your praises on end. So when you're rejected you're not doomed, you're informed.
In some cases the prospect is simply not a match with your values, beliefs, and ideas which means you agree to disagree and move on to apply for admission into the next institution,  apply to another employer and  pitch to the next business prospect without losing heart.
There are numerous examples of individuals who faced rejection in their endeavors often hearing words to the effect that what they were trying to achieve was "impossible" before the doors slammed in their faces, and this is what the legendary Muhammad Ali had to say about that;
  “Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they’ve been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It’s an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It’s a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.”
 So it is with rejection, its nothing but a dare to give it another go, to try again and never give up. A passionate basket ball player was rejected by coaches because he was short but he kept on anyway, do you know Michael Jordan? Walt Disney was reportedly fired by a newspaper for not being creative enough but he kept on doing his thing, do you know Mickey mouse?
We have unmasked rejection, it is just negative feedback, it is a dare to give it another shot it is an opportunity refine one's effort and strike again. Rejection is not condemnation, we have power to decide our next step and way forward after facing rejection. Consider this when rejection comes your way and emerge a bigger, stronger person and a winner.


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